Saturday, March 3, 2007

Good Plays, Crappy Calls

I'm STILL calling off most of my profit. Twice today I lost $50 & $65 to pocket kings. I have been making some laydowns, but overall I need to recognize I'm beat. I should easily have known I was beat.

I've been playing on 2 tables consecutively today. This works out well. On the 9 seat table I play tight, and on the 6 person table I play loose. I can do this pretty easily if I rely on Poker Tracker & Game Time's Overlay Stats.

After pissing away most of my profit, I'm left with....

Ending Bankroll: $1,315.00

March Goals

  • 1. $6,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Truly Believing: I Am Lucky!
  • 3. Stop Riding the Poker Emotions Roller Coaster
  • 4. Mental Sharpness - Translated into Great Reads

February Goals

  • 1. $2,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Each time I sit down at a table, develop a plan, and pick my victim(s)
  • 3. Play middle pairs better! Be willing to fold them.
  • 4. Create a Player Category System
  • 5. Truly Study the Theory of NL Hold'em
  • 6. Finish Daniel Negreanu's Power Hold'em Strategy
  • 7. Consistent blog updates