Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I am overusing the check raise play out of position. For example, on the turn I picked up a flush draw to go with my pair. I decided the best play would be to check raise, but of course my opponent checked behind and I missed my flush. I bet out, and he called with a bigger pair and I lost big.

I jumped up to a $330+20 SNG. Had QQ, someone moved all-in on a 200 pot with 1500 with TT and of course outdrew me. What a retard. Now I'm out big yet again. Thanks poker

Played in a $109 SNG, had KK vs. KQs, all-in preflop and LOST YET AGAIN. Thanks poker

Down $500 today again.

Bankroll: $5,991.00

Monday, April 9, 2007

Playing in the 1k tourney

right off the bat, bluff away half my stack in a bad situation. No need to bluff so much so early! 12 hands in with AJo against ATo flop came Ten high. Definite choke early on.
I raised from mid (3 hands in a row) and AQo, BB reraised all-in with AKo. I should of folded, but SUCKED OUT! WEEEEEEE!
Doubled up with 99 against ATo! YEEEEEH HAAAAAH!
I lost with JJ to 88, booooooooooo.

Reached $7,000!

Well, I definetly had a few crazy days. I dropped all the way down to a little over $5,000 then won 6th in a big tourney for over $1,800.

Today I won an entry into the $1000+60 Monday Tourney, and I'm so excited!!

I want to take this opportunity and go over some good things I've done so far.

I've played at the same table as a few celebs: Mike Caro & Pamela Anderson.
Won and Placed high in the $ in some big tourneys taking in several thousand.
Recognizing enough to play smart. Spending $ on poker to make $. Paying $ @

I've played in a $500+ entry tourney and today a $1000,00 + 60 entry tourney!
Setting myself up for success!

March Goals

  • 1. $6,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Truly Believing: I Am Lucky!
  • 3. Stop Riding the Poker Emotions Roller Coaster
  • 4. Mental Sharpness - Translated into Great Reads

February Goals

  • 1. $2,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Each time I sit down at a table, develop a plan, and pick my victim(s)
  • 3. Play middle pairs better! Be willing to fold them.
  • 4. Create a Player Category System
  • 5. Truly Study the Theory of NL Hold'em
  • 6. Finish Daniel Negreanu's Power Hold'em Strategy
  • 7. Consistent blog updates