Thursday, March 8, 2007


After a big slump, I've finally made it back to the big time. I played a 209 person tourney for $69+6.....and WON! That's $3,750.00 in monetary terms. While I do credit the win to pretty solid play and good reads, I must say I did suck out twice. The biggest and almost rediculous one, I'm ashamed to even talk about. There was about 50 people left, the $ started at 27 people, and the button kept raising my BB every time. So, I decided to take a stand and reraised him with garbage. What I should of done is reraise all-in, but I reraised an amount he would call with an "above average" hand, and then pot committed myself by betting 2/3 of my remaining stack on flop. In my mind I did atleast 2 things wrong here.
1. Not reraising huge preflop (all-in) at that level.
2. Essentially pot-committing myself. I should have either gone all-in or bet a smaller amount I could get away from on the flop.

Needless to say, I caught runner-runner and never looked back. I was in 1st place from when there was about 25-29 people and kept it for essentially the rest of the tournament. Usually with a 2x or 3x second place lead.

I was lucky today! Finally, I was winning all my big pots and getting sucked out only on the small ones. Hoo-rah!

Ending Bankroll: $4,771.00

March Goals

  • 1. $6,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Truly Believing: I Am Lucky!
  • 3. Stop Riding the Poker Emotions Roller Coaster
  • 4. Mental Sharpness - Translated into Great Reads

February Goals

  • 1. $2,000 Bankroll
  • 2. Each time I sit down at a table, develop a plan, and pick my victim(s)
  • 3. Play middle pairs better! Be willing to fold them.
  • 4. Create a Player Category System
  • 5. Truly Study the Theory of NL Hold'em
  • 6. Finish Daniel Negreanu's Power Hold'em Strategy
  • 7. Consistent blog updates