Another Bad Beat Day ?!?
I'm going to try something new, and list my bad beats to see if it helps me overcome the anger!
I had pocket 2's UTG, I just limped in. A player who has come over the top before does it again. I come over the top of him again. He just calls. I flop trips and bet 450 into a 750 pot. He calls with NOTHING, just 2 overs and back door flush. Out comes a Q, I check to his AK, and he bets 850, I reraise all-in for another 1300 and he calls. Of course he hits his flush on the river, a 15% outer-another fucking joke.
I kept up my losing streak losing with QQ to K5, then AK to KJ. What a horrible day.
Of course I continue, playing a STT, and placed 3rd (finally in the $ atleast!) because I went all-in with KTo from SB, and was called by BB with 89o. I can't win!
After a short movie break and some booze, I continued. I won 2 50/50s!!! AND outdrew the other guy heads up to win a $100 STT. Craziness I know. My great luck was kind of short lived. I played a $69 MTT, and outdrew someone, then lost a 50/50 and then went out with QQ vs. AQ. Bummer.
Overall, not a terrible day. Luck evened out a bit ;)
Ending Bankroll: $5,808.00